
PAiC Open Source Library

Open Source Library Open source code continues transforming the telco industry. PAiC wouldn’t be where it is today without it – as such we are making our PAiC Open Source Library available for everyone to explore core tools, features, and products which are a good starting point to understand how PAiC can serve your business […]

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SDP v9.1 Release Notes

SDP v9.1 Release Notes Previous version: SDP v9.0.0 Release date: June, 2023 New features: 7 Improvements vs. the last version: 1 New Features: New integration with Social Media Messaging and A.I. chatbots such as ChatGPT and others. Integration of the application with Online Charging System (OCS), which allows booking and charging subscriber credit. Creation of a new

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GMLC Use Cases

What is the GMLC? The GMLC (Gateway Mobile Location Center) is a telecommunication platform that provides geolocation services, also known as Location Based Services (LBS), over legacy and next-generation networks.What are some of its Use Cases?EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY BROADCASTING: Alert mobile phone users in a certain region or city through informative messages about a major

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PAiC is a CPaaS enabler with customer services at its core. But, what exactly is CPaaS? CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) are cloud-based services that enable real-time communication capabilities with minimum (or no) integration efforts. PAiC develops and supports the platforms that enable CPaaS providers to offer these solutions. PAiC offers a wide range

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CPaas Support

CPaaS Support If your CPaaS provider is ending it’s support or simply in the market for a new CPaaS provider, PAiC can provide the peace of mind you are looking for. We offer a wide range of services, from ad-hoc developments to Managed Services, from Basic to Premium SLAs, from on-site to cloud deployments. At

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