Open Source Contribution - PAiC BD

At PAiC BD we support the open source community dynamic, and the contributions that are essential for sustainability and continuous innovation within these communities.

We know that these fair and much needed contributions are not always fed back to the communities – following are a few reasons why we believe this sometimes doesn’t happen.

Lack of awareness: simply being unaware about how to best contribute back the improvements made to the open source code can limit the flow of contributions – this is certainly not the most common reason though…

Competition or conflicts of interest: this is maybe the most common reason – developers or the companies they work for, may consider their improvements to be strategic or too valuable commercially to be shared openly.

Lack of trust in the community: strategic or even philosophical differences between some users and the community, can make these user zealous about contributing back to it.

Risk: related to the previous point, if developers or companies believe that their contributions will not be used correctly, some may elect not to share their work.

Lack of technical confidence or lack of resources: finally, freelance developers or small companies may feel insecure with the value their contributions may bring, or they may be simply short on time to share their work in a timely and proper fashion.

Having stated all of these reasons, at PAiC BD we are firmly committed to contribute with the open source communities that we have benefited from throughout the years.

At PAiC BD we believe open source is a sustainable way to foster globally equitable innovation in the telecommunications industry and in software solutions in general.

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